
界面新闻   2020-09-24 14:19


Intertek issues the world's first commercial UVgermicidal lamp ETL certificate to Guangzhou Haoyang Electronic Company

Sep 24, 2020, Guangzhou China: Intertek, a Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide, announced itrecently issued the world's first commercial UV germicidal lamp ETL certificate to Guangzhou Haoyang Electronic Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Golden Sea"), a well-known lighting manufacturer. The acquisition of this certificate not only helps its products enter the North American market more conveniently, but also plays an exemplary role in promoting the UV germicidal lamp industry.In response to the normalized prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, sterilization and disinfection have become a hot spot of people's attention. UV germicidal lamps use short-wave ultraviolet (UVC) for sterilization and disinfection. UVC radiation has been proven to be highly effective in disinfection and sterilization. ETL certification can help related products meet the requirements of the North American market, improve their competitiveness in the international market, and provide consumers with safety assurance.After a full set of safety and reliability tests on the GoldenSea UV germicidal lamp, Intertek issued the ETL certificate to Golden Sea’s commercial UV germicidal lamp, indicating that its quality has meet the internationally recognized advanced level.Ms. Joan Li, General Manager of Intertek Electrical South China, said, "Intertek has cooperated with Golden Sea for many years, and has always insisted on professional and rigorous review and evaluation. In the future, Intertek will continue to meet the ever-changing needs of the customer with excellent technology and services in compliance with market requirements."Ms. Xiao Cuijuan, Deputy General Manager of Golden Sea, said, "As a high-tech enterprise in the professional lighting industry, Golden Sea has always adhered to rigorous quality control. Through cooperation with Intertek, the technical teams of both parties have worked closely and implemented our pursuit of excellent product quality."

浩洋股份作为专业照明行业的高新技术企业,自始至终坚持严苛的品质管理。在今年疫情蔓延的严峻环境下推出GOLDENSEA UV品牌的紫外消毒灯具产品,代表了浩洋股份对健康科技的重视、对专业照明相关领域延伸的能力与决心。据了解,浩洋股份的GOLDENSEA UV的产品此前已都通过了欧洲的CE认证获得了欧洲市场的通行证,本次能够顺利获得Intertek全球首张商用UV灯ETL证书,不仅提高了GOLDENSEA UV的国际市场竞争力,打通了北美市场的通道,更是证明了浩洋股份对产品卓越品质的追求。




ETL代表着创新、有影响力、独立公开的产品测试及丰富的经验,是北美最具活力的安全认证标志,在北美具有广泛的知名度和认可度 , 获得ETL标志的产品代表满足北美的强制标准,可顺利进入北美市场销售。ETL证书的获得表明浩洋股份的紫外线消毒产品的品质已经达到了国际认可的先进水平,更有助于GOLDENSEAUV的产品打开北美市场的大门,同时对UV杀菌灯行业进军海外市场起到正面积极的作用。


自新冠疫情发生以来,市场对杀菌消毒产品的需求日益剧增,紫外线杀菌消毒产品迅速成为人们关注的重点。UV杀菌灯是利用短波紫外线(UVC)破坏DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)或RNA(核糖核酸)分子结构进行杀菌消毒,从而达到杀菌目的。在相关安全标准的前提下,GOLDENSEA UV的产品通过定制化的风险评估进行安全测试,最终顺利通过ETL认证达到北美市场要求。

紫外线消毒灯品牌GOLDENSEA UV的推出是浩洋股份在专业照明领域中多年累积技术的延伸,也是浩洋股份研发实力的体现,相信结合浩洋股份在紫外线光源全球顶级的供应商的协同、与演艺设备灯具产品的应用场景重合以及健全的全球销售渠道等优势下,GOLDENSEA UV品牌的紫外消毒产品定将在国内外市场上取得亮眼的成绩。